Featured Articles

DOJ: Heart Surgeons Left ‘Unqualified’ Trainees Alone During Operations

Three surgeons who worked at Baylor allegedly ran multiple operating rooms at once, leaving parts of complicated heart procedures for medical residents and fellows to do.

Laser Hair Removal Most Litigated Energy-Based Procedure

In a cross-sectional study of malpractice and medical liability claims for cutaneous energy-based device procedures, the most litigated health professionals were plastic surgeons, and the most commonly affected anatomical sites were the face, head, and/or neck.

The Miseducation Of America’s Nurse Practitioners

They don’t merely support doctors—NPs increasingly treat patients independently, including in specialty practices and emergency rooms. When they aren’t well trained, the results can be tragic.

17 Systems That Dropped Mental Health Questions For Docs

Seventeen health systems have been recognized for auditing and removing invasive questions surrounding mental health from physician credentialing applications.

New Name For Familiar Phenomenon: 'Administrative Harm'

Clinicians have long understood that administrative decisions can cause harm, both to themselves and to their patients. Now, a term for the phenomenon is gaining wider recognition -- "administrative harm."

Treatable Condition Misdiagnosed As Dementia In Almost 13% Of Cases

Patients with dementia may instead have hepatic encephalopathy (HE) and should be screened with the Fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) index for cirrhosis, one of the main causes of the condition, new research suggests.

What Doctors Can Learn From Olympians How Train

Physicians, like Olympians, are highly trained professionals who do physically and mentally demanding work. Because of that parallel, physicians may find it useful to adopt the training elite athletes use to perform under pressure.

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    • Editor-in Chief:
    • Theodore Massey
    • Editor:
    • Robert Sokonow
    • Editorial Staff:
    • Musaba Dekau
      Lin Takahashi
      Thomas Levine
      Cynthia Casteneda Avina
      Ronald Harvinger
      Lisa Andonis